In the assembly management window you can graph and connect nodes based on the order you want them to be disassembled.
The assembly management interactions, settings:
Green Plus button: Adds the selected node (in the 3d scene) to the disassembly diagram, if a disassembly graph node is selected, it will become the parent of the newly added node.
Ladder button: Change parent of selected disassembly graph nodes, a graph node must be selected before clicking this button, the graph node selected afterwards will become the new parent - or - if a blank space is selected, the graph node will become independent (with no parent).
Red Minus button: removes a node from the graph.
Create new: create a new disassembly diagram.
Rename: change the name of the disassembly diagram.
Delete: remove the disassembly.
In the tutorial video below, you can show how used disassembled group.