This type of rendering is time limited, with a fixed image size, as in Fixed-Render. The value to end/limit rendering time is SPP (Sample per Pixel) value. This value can be found in Render Settings under the Output Image task.
A limited time rendering is automatically used by Animation Rendering, Scene States Rendering, and Render to File.
Render Clay to File
This type of rendering is time limited, with a fixed image size, as in Clay Fixed-Render. The value to end/limit rendering time is SPP (Sample per Pixel) value. This value can be found in Render Settings under the Output Image task.
A limited time rendering is automatically used by Animation Rendering, Scene States Rendering, and Render to File.
Animation Render
In a 3D scene with animation defined, clicking Animation function will start rendering animation. Animation rendering is a limited time rendering, from the From Frame to the To Frame set in the corresponding spin-boxes, in the same task.
Sun Study
This is useful for landscape designers, architects and interior designers. Simply from the render menu, the user selects Sun study, then defines the initial and final sun states.
The study shows the sun and shadow states for the scene.
Scene States
For 3D scenes with scene states this function will start consecutive rendering for the scene states defined in the scene. Manage Scene States dialog will appear for the user to check the scene states to render, and the order of rendering. Clicking Ok will start limited time rendering based on the SPP value.
VR Based Animation Rendering
Rendering is a complex process that generates very realistic images, rendered images in many cases cannot be distinguished from photos. Preforming complex rendering consumes a significant amount of time.
Users interested in previewing their work quickly, have a great new option in Composer 9. VR based rendering gives users great images in a very short amount of time, This is great for multi-iterations, until the user is ready for the final animation render, for some users this may be the final animation render they need.