Based on Collaboration with Microsoft, many companies released mixed reality VR sets including Acer, Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Samsung.
If you want to use your mixed realty set with VR experiences created using SimLab Composer, then all what you need to do is to install the free application Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR from the following link.

When starting the VR experience you will see the following screen with changed images to show you the mixed reality set is being used.
Do not be confused with the HTC VIVE controller shapes in your VR experience, you now know why this is the case.
Clear one to one mapping between the two controllers, makes this option practical, so you can do all tasks you used to do with HTC VIVE, using the Mixed Reality set.

When starting the VR experience you will see the following screen with changed images to show you the mixed reality set is being used.
Again do not be confused with the HTC VIVE controller shapes in your VR experience.
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