
VR Studio

SimLab VR Studio

VR Creation

SimLab VR Studio

First VR Experience

In this first Run of SimLab VR Studio, we are going to create a simple interactive VR experience, where the user is able to interact with an earth's globe causing it to revolve.

You can download the free edition of SimLab VR Studio by clicking the button Below.

SimLab VR Studio


SimLab VR Studio is capable of importing Models from a huge variety of CAD Design Software in multiple formats.

CAD Compatibility

The 3D Models library as well as the Sketchfab library that are integrated within VR Studio grants you access to a large number of 3D assets and environments.

3D Assets

Through SimLab Academy and the VR Studio Help documentation, you can learn how to use SimLab VR Studio and become a professional VR creator.

Learning Resources

The VR Warehouse allows users to publish and acquire interactive VR Experience that are ready to use.

VR Warehouse

SimLab VR Studio

VR Evaluation

SimLab VR Studio


Quizzes enriches interactive VR experiences by offering a way to evaluate the trainees and students through text based and interactive multiple choice questions.

SimLab VR Studio


Surveys are a great way to get feedback from users, whether they are trainees or students that are assessing the overall experience, or Clients that are evaluating certain items or designs within the VR experience.

SimLab VR Studio

User Defined

In addition to the multiple selection quizzes, the trainee can gather more information and feedback on the trainees performance during the VR experience using the Report Node in the Training Builder.

SimLab VR Studio

VR Ditribution

SimLab VR Studio

SimLab Cloud

VR Lessons created in SimLab VR Studio can be uploaded to SimLab Clouds, then be shared with others and viewed using the SimLab VR Viewer, without the need for any 3rd party hosting services.

SimLab VR Studio


Export VR lessons as xAPI packages, to share them with students or trainees through any xAPI compatible LMS or LRS service.

SimLab VR Studio


Similar to xAPI, you can export VR lessons as SCORM packages, to share them with students or trainees through any SCORM compatible LMS or LRS service.

SimLab VR Studio

VR Viewing

VR Viewer can run Experiences in:

Desktop Mode  |  PC VR Mode  |  Standalone VR

SimLab VR Studio

Supported Devices



HTC Vive / Vive Pro

Oculus Rift / Rift S

Windows Mixed Reality

Oculus Quest / Quest 2/ Go

Pico 2 / Pico 3



SimLab VR Studio

VR Collaboration