Composer 6

Auto Detection Group

Auto Detect solids:
  • Detect: You can take advantage of this helpful button for automatic detection for solids, this gadget is based on running a complex mechanism that automatically define and classify a model's geometries and assembles into solids, where each solid contains either one geometry/assembly or a group of geometries/assemblies.
The Auto Detect button helps the user automatically identify the solids in the model by running an algorithm that creates solids based on the objects and geometries present
As shown in the following image the simulation workspace with an imported model before clicking the Detect button, where the Geometries Tree on the left shows the original geometries of the objects in the model, and the Solids Tree on the right shows the created solids. Here, the Solids Tree is still empty because there is no solids created yet.
If the imported  model is from an analytical file format like .STEP, this algorithm makes use of the solids hints already embedded in an object to identify it as a solid.
In some cases, the automatic detection method may not meet what you are trying to seek during creating your solids. For this, the manual method for creating solids gives you more control over solid creation.