Composer 6

Models Library

The Models Library acts as a container for pre-installed simulation models that come with the Simulation Edition of SimLab Composer, distributed into three groups: Basic Physics Experiments, General, and Collision (as shown in the following image). It is located at the bottom for the Solids workspace. You can choose any model of the provided sample just to run it as it is or edit it as you wish.
The toolbar of the Models Library is located vertically at its left-side, presenting the following three buttons:
  • Add New Item: The Add New Item button allows the user to add new created simulation model to any activated model tab within the Models Library.
  • Delete Item: This command discards the selected model from the panel of the activated tab.
  • Manage Library: The Manage Library button launches the Manage Library dialog box to give the user options to create, delete and rename model groups which are presented by tabs.
  • Download item: This task is the same as in the Material Panel described in Navigator Panel.
  • Share Contents: This task is the same as in the Material Panel described in Navigator Panel.
  • Change View:v This task is the same as in the Material Panel described in Navigator Panel.
The Models Library is only associated with the Solids tab; it appears once the Solids tab is activated. By default, it also appears when you switch to the Simulation workbench.
As a start point, you can take a preview of what SimLab Simulation is capable of by start running the provided models.